Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Diigo Questions


1.What's another way we can organize your computers? 
You can use flash drives and USB ports to save the information.

2.What about email?
You can keep certain emails into the important folder and its easy to access.

3.Your Favorite Websites?
Many of the websites from this project interested me because they all had great information.

4.Your Blog Posts?
You can organize your blog posts by the title and the date they were done by.

5.RSS Feeds?
You can organize RSS by putting them into folders.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tech Article 12/6

Samsung Transparent Touch Screen

  •  Samsung smart phones took a leap forward with the introduction of the Yotaphone.
  •  The phone has a dual screen the front is your standard touch screen smart phone and the back has an e-paper display on the back.
  •  Samsung has patented technology is taking a leap forward, and it comes with a transparent screen that has front and rear visibility controls.
  •  Discovered in a patent by DiscoverBolt.
  •  The way to access to dual screen mode you would tap and swipe and control the phone using both sides, rather than front originally you can access the back without turning it over
  •  This isn't the first time Samsung tried to make a smartphone with a dual screen, but it is one of the first to have dual sided controls.
  • The phone patented in the summer and is in the filling process, but there are no dates confirmed yet
  • The phone is supposed to release a few years from now.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Do Now 12/3

Twitter can help in the Classroom
    Twitter believe it or not can actually be very helpful in our education system. In my old school, Paramus High school,  my journalism teacher created a twitter and she posted items that were do or near due dates . This helped almost every student because nearly every student  has a twitter it was useful because we are basically on twitter everyday cause we can access it so easily from our phones. This was key because instead of us having to actually write down the homework in school it's was just easy for her to make a tweet. This can also help because if a due date gets changed or something like that  instead of the teacher stressing by sending everyone an e mail , she makes a tweet and it is seen by everyone. I completely agree with twitter being used in the classroom and would actually be very helpful for us students!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Questions & Answers


1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
   I selected the sites that I have the most interest with and would enjoy reading.

2.Was it easy to find feeds and subscribe to them?
  Yes, it was very simple to do and even if it was hard to find on a website, Digg gives you the option to browse by category!

3.Which sites were your favorites?
  My favorites was under my personal interests. My two favorites are the Miami Heats and the Dallas Cowboys

4. What else can you use RSS feeds for?
I can use RSS feeds to spread some news and Digg makes it easy but forwarding it through Twitter, Facebook, and e-mail.

5.How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
I am probably not too likely to use RSS feeds in the future because I am not really a computer guy. 

Monday, November 11, 2013


Philippines Typhoon

   The typhoon in the Philippines is very devastating and has an estimate of over 10,000 casualties. The death toll and disaster that I have seen through images is honestly just unreal, its scary. The closest thing I have ever experienced to something of this nature was hurricane Sandy. This is obviously no comparison to what they are experiencing but this is the only time I think I can put myself in somewhat of their shoes. Many of the people are looking for food and its difficult for them to find. Things we could do to help them is donations online and just giving as much aid as we possibly could to these struggling people. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people and the country and I will do my best o help the country.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


  Wiki can be used in many different classes, for example, you can use it in this class. We can use wiki to peer edit stories, essays, and reports. We can use wiki in our history classes by going on "virtual field trips." There are many benefits of using wiki is that you can use them in classrooms,  you can share with friends and all collaborate together, its very easy to use, and is very organized. We can use wikis in this class to make it easy to view all of our tech articles. We can make a link of our names and it goes directly to our tech article. The only experience I have with using wikis is using it in this class in 8th grade.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Do Now 10/28

Invisibility Cloak 

       If I woke up with an invisible cloak one morning I would do so many good deeds. I would clearly be unrecognized but it would be out of the kindness of my huge heart. I would go to nearby schools to see who was getting bullied and stop the bully, even though he would probably freak out because he couldn't see the person taking charge but it would help the victim. I would do that throughout many schools to try and stop bullying. I would still do many other great deeds also.
       I would also stop the beatings and muggings throughout our cities. I would also help the homeless and help hobos. If anything gets stolen from anyone I would help get it back without any questions. I would do so many good deeds with my invisible cloak. After doing all my good deeds I would than finally have some fun  time with my invisible cloak.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tech Article 10/3

BlackBerry is Going Down The Drain

  • BlackBerry is now is worse financial shape than they thought, they plan on laying off 4,500 employees by the end of the year, this is 4x the amount they expected to release.
  • BlackBerry is loosing its appeal to international markets because they are now switching Androids.
  • People nowadays are looking for a phone with many apps, the BlackBerry surely isn't one for that.
  • The company announced on Friday there quarterly losses at $965 million.
  • That included a $934 million for the unsold BlackBerry z10.
  • BlackBerry said they delayed the report of numbers due to its ongoing negotiations with private insurance company FairFax Financial.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tech Article 9/27

  Samsung Makes Curved Smartphone

  • Samsung is planning on making a smartphone with a curved screen.
  • D.J Lee head of mobile marketing made an announcement in Seoul rolling out the Galaxy Smartwatch and Galaxy Note 3
  • The phone is projected to release in October, but there is no confirmed price,  design, or where it can even be bought.
  • Samsung has been working on a curved screen since early this year.
  • The "bendish" screen could actually flip into a small tablet.
  • Samsung also plans on making the curved/flexible screen unbreakable, they have yet to know whether the future phone would be plastic or some other type of futuristic material.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11

September 11

         September 11 is a big day in history. September 11th was when the planes crashed into the twin towers. I was very young when this happened, I was four to be exact. Even though I was so young I actually remember the day very clearly. I remember my grandma picking me up for school and taking me home where my whole family was. We were all in the living room focusing on the t.v. I remember going to watch t.v and nothing was on but the twin towers. Thousands of people were killed and are still remembered today. The people and the lives that were lost will always been in everyone's memory. Its amazing that it happened 12 years ago.

Web 2.0

Welcome Web 2.0

    Hi my name is Joe Merlino, I am 16 years old and I love sports and money... a lot! I love football and I am a big Cowboys fan.  I have a brother and a sister. My brother, Santino is eight years old. I also have a sister who is seven years old named Ava. I love hanging out with my friends and working, I love making my own money. This year, my sophomore year, I am taking Italian 3, English 10, Geometry, U.S. History 2, and Chemistry. I am really looking forward to learning about the web and blogging.