Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tech Article 11/18

PayPal Launches Facebook App for Sending Money to Friends

         Social Payments are taking a giant leap forward. PayPal revealed a Facebook app that lets you send money to your friends. The app is simply titled Send Money. You either have a choices to send money with a card or just money. There are different designs for these cards. This is the first app that allows peer to peer view over Facebook. Sending money is free. This is taking an incredible hit and is being used very often already.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Reflections On The First Marking Period

My first marking period of Web 2.0 we learned a lot about technology systems. We also learned how to make a blog. I have a blog! We also upgraded our knowledge of Google systems. We learned a lot about Google Docs and Google Forms. We also did some fun group projects like creating our own social network. This is the best class this year.

My Four Day Weekend!

       My weekend started off really crummy. On Thursday I was still sick and sat home the whole day and I slept. On Friday I had to wake up really early and go to Saint Mary's High School to take the CO-OP. It is a test to see if you get accepted by any catholic schools you choose to go too. My choices were: Saint Joe's, Bergen Catholic, and Paramus Catholic. I really want to go to Saint Joe's. On Saturday I got a haircut and went to the mall. I bought earrings and a hat. After that I went to my cousins house and I baby sat my two cousins there was also a lot of other little kids there with their baby sitters(which were my older cousins). It was fun because we let the little kids go crazy and we just hung out and played Xbox. Sunday was a relaxing day. The whole day I watched NFL football and I won some money. It was a great weekend besides being sick!